martedì 5 aprile 2011


The brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle, must be trained and nurtured otherwise may lose tone up to atrophy. Sugar is the main food of the brain, creativity is more functional training. Brothers, do not underestimate the creativity, don’t give it wrong or incomplete meanings. Being creative does not necessarily mean being or becoming artists: be creative basically means learning to live better, to respect themselves, adapt situations to your own desires, learning to grasp the more interesting side of things. For this reason man is elevated to a master race of the planet, thanks to his creativity he has managed to adapt better than other species to the difficulties of life. Then friends, eat lots of sugar and be creative, the earth needs you.

martedì 15 marzo 2011


When you’re a teenager, you see that, the more you’re kind and pretty with girls, the less girls are interested in you as a partner….. and you’re very interested in having a partner.

Then you’re adult, and you see that the more you’re curious about your job, the less you make a career… and you’re so interested in making carreer.

When at last you’re old, you realize that the more you’ve been able to be independent from your family’s help, the more you miss your family.

Fortunately, I realized the third point in time….. actually I’m at the second point of my life and look ahead: I am a man who swears and spits on the ground, walking around with my monkey on my back and the tail in my pocket.

Who does really care about the difference between a good and a bad behaviour? Who’s more important in this society the creative or the stupid? Who’s more celebrated the virtuous or vicious?


JUTRO in Polish language means “tomorrow”; in my personal musical
language, from now on, JUTRO should mean “The Language of Tomorrow”.
That’s to celebrate this beautiful work, entirely composed and
performed by Kamila Kostur, vocalist and violin player from Poland
actually working based in Rome . From years and years, we all
comprehend the urgency to communicate with people of different
languages and cultures, so that human society tried to elevate
existing languages to an universal use or create mixes of words from
several languages (I’m thinking to the failed experience of
Esperanto). One further possible solution is art as language, an
ancestral but even future global patrimony. “Jutro” is Kamila Kostur’s
way, 12 vocal composition telling stories with no words, directly
touching soul, adrenaline for audience creativity, the best of
communication way...”
J E. Bjorkstrand

Jutro is the 4th production of HOMEZERO, a copyleft art project.

You can download this work from the producer’s website at

  1. jutro
  2. spektrum
  3. inna’
  4. pomojemu
  5. nie
  6. esp
  7. arunk
  8. ayo’
  9. hen daleko
  10. kotou
  11. jupi
  12. epylog


Recent clinical studies have shown and classified two new diseases of the nervous system that usually affects many artists of the 20th and 21st century.

Below, the definitions by the World Health Organization, who had the questionable idea of assigning to the diseases, as if they were constellations or peaks of high mountains, the names of two important artists.

Warhol Syndrome

"Nervous system disease that affects particularly the sensory sphere, caused in most cases by an excessive dose of flattery: The artist suffers from this disease has symptoms of schizophrenia for which he believes to see turned into history, all his creations."

Picasso Syndrome

"Nervous system disease that affects particularly the sensory sphere, caused in most cases by a prolonged dose of frustration, for which the artist has the perception of being human through God's creation: for this reason, in 'schizoid patient's imagination, his art becomes undeniable as sacred, and he himself a demigod."

lunedì 22 febbraio 2010


I have a vision.
I see the people of the future hocked in a new way to live the daily life.
I see the people return to house and possess an only screen: the screen of the computer, the greatest interface between the reality and we, and probably, the new idea of reality.
And when I realize that I am not the only one to perceive the present future in this way, I think that my vision is not visionary, but that we already hold a new life and don't consider it.
In the present future people won't change his tastes: I don't imagine these people to take a shower of ascii characters, but they will certainly use the computer to look at the tv, to listen to the radio, to insert cd, to listen to the music to read books and magazines of information.
I imagine therefore the world wide web as the only suit and free tool of communication, in degree to remove any form of exclusive power to the traditional media, incapable by now to pursue his own strategies; abandoned in the hands of incapable men, tired in their contents, worn-out in their forms, the traditional media are already the old one, internet is the present.
Everything this is here already.
But my vision concerns the art.
The democratic bottom-up revolution that the web is producing, it necessarily has to embrace all the arts and all the knowledges, to enter a fascinating epoch, in which to look at new things with renewed eyes.
It seems to me that this is the greatest opportunity that the artists have ever had, during the known history.
The problem is to understand it here and now and to learn the way to live that times to come.
That’s why now I begin to work on homezero project.



I have seen more art in houses than in theatres, art galleries or in any concert room.
But both an official and not official culture exist: the first one is made of intelligence demanded to sell knowledge to the people through the traditional media, which we are authorised to believe in; the other culture (the ones not in tune and amplified by the traditional media) does not exist because nobody is allowed to believe in it.
Who ever falls in the first hypothesis is officially recognized as a member of the human culture; whoever falls in the other hypothesis is out.
For this reason the artists in the recent past and more then ever in the future present are tempt to create more and more provoking art as time goes by. Art that expresses a distorted view of the realty.
I think that it is time to put an end to this.
I think that the pure provoking in art was a good thing and had good effects in trying to make people understand how tired we are of being ignored. But I also think that at this point we have shown it enough.

Furthermore, this has come to create a repulsion sense from the public opinion towards the contemporary art and the artist himself: the majority of people think contemporary art is boring and they are probably right considering that we have done much to come to this ourselves.
I hope that we all understand the urgency and hope that we will use the knowledge we acquired during the past years to stretch out a new beauty concept; I hope that we will make ourselves more useful to the general society ; I hope that we will be able to help people live better in a more honest and conscious way showing them the necessity and the beauty of honesty.
This is the wish that I want to address to all artists that wanted to join this project and I hope that in it they will find in it their new home were to develop a new starch out, concept and codes of intelligence and beauty.

To all of us I wish to be able to use their own wish and will and intelligence to discern what is right and what is wrong.

I am sure we all need love.. or at least I hope so.



Art can change the world, but they say the exact contrary.
Take Lennon song “Imagine”, “imagine all the people”, “imagine no Possession”: remember? How old are you? Do you think the world would have been different without this song?
Art can change the world. But this is for bad and good art. They encouraged the bad art: creating fault myths, they incentivised every possible form of art, but nothing impossible.
Art can change the world and they know it very well.
Art is an instrument, but first of all, art is a master, and they do not want this master to keep existing.
Who are they? Answering with an enigma, that is also an answer to a question: they are the same people that invented TV.
